Teaching and Learning Resource Center

About this Site

Aerial view of the Ohio State Columbus campus.
Welcome to the Teaching and Learning Resource Center!

The Teaching and Learning Resource Center is a website for Ohio State educators seeking to enhance their teaching skills and support student success. Browsing the site, you’ll find teaching and learning strategies and examples, learning opportunities from across the university, and extensive documentation on Ohio State’s eLearning toolset. 

A Partnership

As a cross-unit collaboration, the Teaching and Learning Resource Center coordinates university efforts to highlight key content for Ohio State educators, creating a user-friendly hub of curated resources. 

A Steering Committee of representatives from each partnering unit provides guidance and direction for ongoing site development:

Content for the site has been developed, reviewed, or managed by the following contributors:

Ola Ahlqvist, Anika Anthony, Sophia Antoun, Jonathan Baker, Mitchell Bartholomew, Shari Beck, Joe Bondra, Rachel Bowen, Renee Bowling, Eric Brinkman, Grace Buchholz, Moe Buckley, Carrie Burggraf, Sarah Childers, James Chiucchi, Amy Lea Clemons, Jason Connelly, Susan D’Agostino, Robert Decatur, Beth Fines, Megan Fogel, Brian Guerrero, Jane Hammons, Carol Hemmerly, Samantha Herrmann, Sarah Holt, Anna Hohmeier, Randi Honkonen, Zach Hooten, Jay Hsiao, Julie Humbel-Courtney, Larry Hurtubise, Tanisha Jenkins, Courtney Johnson, Norman Jones, Teresa Johnson, Alan Kalish, Ben Kenzer, Tara Koger, Amanda Larson, Fabio Leite, Christopher Manion, Andrew Martin, Russel Marzette, Laurie Maynell, Mollie McConnell, Anne McDaniel, Kia McKinnie, Erin Mercurio, Ashley Miller, John Muir, Steven Nagel, Katie O’Keefe, Jon Picking, Vicki Pitstick, Jessica Phillips, Nicole Pizarro, Lisa Rice, Stephanie Rohdieck, Amanda Schlemmer, Allison Schultz, Ryan Sheehan, Scott Sheeler, Amber Sherman, Shadia Siliman, Jeannie Simmons, Jeremie Smith, Kristin Smock, Wendy Smooth, David Sovic, Laura Struve, Claire Sweigart, Erica Szeyller, Ross Tamburro, Matthew Van Jura, Lindy Weaver, Charles Williamson, Emma Young

Share your ideas with us

We’re interested in your feedback on the Teaching and Learning Resource Center website. We're seeking suggestions for new articles or teaching topics, input on existing articles or teaching topics, reporting typos, broken links or other errors, and general comments about the site. 

Provide your input through our feedback form