The Ohio State University provides instructors, staff, and students with access to university-supported learning technology tools, as well as other university-vetted tools, to enhance the teaching and learning experience.
Learn about the benefits of university-supported and vetted tools, initiating the tool review process, resources for incorporating technology into your course, and more at Understanding Learning Technologies at Ohio State.

The learning management system for in-person and online courses at Ohio State, used as a hub for course content, assignments, grades, communication and more.

CarmenZoom is the academic audio and web conferencing solution for Ohio State, used for remote teaching, advising appointments, group projects and more.

A video and lecture capture tool used to record class sessions or lectures, screen or slide share with audio or video from a desktop computer, and upload recordings to university servers.

Ohio State’s ePortfolio service, powered by PebblePad, is an online learning journey platform adopted to support the General Education program.

Secured Media Library
Ohio State's Secured Media Library is an online portal for securely streaming select commercial media to your classroom and to your students outside of class.

Top Hat
A web-based classroom response system that allows instructors to create an interactive lecture experience for students.

Ohio State's easy-to-use professional website platform that can help you create blogs, showcase your work, host course assignments and more.

Additional Tools
Explore a list of additional technology tools and applications that can enhance teaching and learning at the university.