Secured Media Library FAQs
Android versions do not include captions Known Issues
Android versions of titles within the Secured Media Library do not currently support captions. This is a restriction of the Android operating systems and beyond our control. Once support has been integrated into these devices we will implement caption functionality for them.
Can I add a video purchased from iTunes or Amazon?
At this time we are only able to accept titles supplied on physical media (DVD, Blu-ray, etc.). We cannot accept videos purchased digitally from iTunes, Amazon, or other retailers.
How do students access my SML playlists?
When assigning titles to your class for viewing, simply inform your students of the assignment and provide a link in your Carmen course to the Secured Media Library using the URL: go.osu.edu/SML
Students will only log-in to the SML home page to access their media. Students will only see movies that have been added to a playlist and assigned to their course section.
You cannot share a direct link to a video with your students. For example, if you share the following direct link with your students: https://drm.osu.edu/media/Media/Details/223, they will receive an error message and will be unable to view the title.
See Managing SML Playlists for more information.
How long does it take to add a title?
OTDI requires a minimum of two weeks to process new titles.
During high demand times, such as the beginning of the semester, please get your media to us as soon as possible. If media is not provided in sufficient time, we may not be able to processes your media by the desired date.
What do I do if I have a problem viewing movies?
If you experience any problems playing videos in the Secured Media Library, please contact the IT Service Desk at 614-688-4357 or email eMedia@osu.edu.
What is the difference between the play links?
The High version plays within the user's web-browser It is the best quality offering the library has, but also requires the fastest Internet connection. This version is encoded at 2Mbps (megabit per second) for standard-definition content and 2.5Mbps for high-definition content. These should play without problems in any centrally supported classroom or lab. We highly recommend a wired network connection.
The Standard version plays within the user's web-browser/ This is the normal quality that is intended for wide consumption. This version is encoded at 1Mbps (megabit per second) and should play without problems in any centrally supported classroom or lab and on fast wireless connections.
The iOS version is tailored for Apple mobile devices, such as the iPad and iPhone, and plays via the native media player. This is the normal quality that is intended for wide consumption and should play without problems on fast wireless connections. This version is encoded at 1Mbps (megabit per second).
The Android version is tailored for mobile devices running Google Andriod and plays via the native media player. This is the normal quality that is intended for wide consumption and should play without problems on fast wireless connections. This version is encoded at 1Mbps (megabit per second).
Version support by device
High | Standard | iOS | Android | |
OS X | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Windows | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Android | No | No | No | Yes |
iOS (iPad, iPhone) | No | No | Yes | No |
Windows Phone 8 | No | No | No | No |
Windows RT | Yes | Yes | No | No |
What is the maximum length of a playlist?
The maximum amount of time for an individual playlist is fifteen days. However, a playlist may be assigned multiple times to the same course.
Creating contiguous assignments allows for an uninterrupted window of availability to a class.
Why aren't any movies listed on the Assigned Playlist page?
Assigned titles automatically appear and disappear from the Assigned Playlists page as the assignment window arrives and passes. The most common causes for no titles to be listed are:
- The assignment window has passed
- The assignment window hasn't arrived
- The playlist wasn't assigned to the proper course section
- The playlist wasn't assigned to any course section
- The playlist does not contain any titles
- You are not enrolled in the course section
We suggest contacting your instructor first. If you are the instructor of a section that is experiencing problems, please contact emedia@osu.edu
Why can't I see subtitles on my mobile device?
In order to view SML videos with subtitles or captions, you have to enable this option on your iOS mobile devices.
To enable captions on iOS devices:
- Go to Settings
- Select General, then Accessibility
- Scroll down and under Media, select Subtitles & Captioning
- Enable the Closed Captions & SDH feature
Will SML titles always be available?
There are two types of titles added to the SML:
- OTDI-owned titles
- Faculty-owned titles
OTDI-owned titles are monitored for usage. If a film has not been used in an academic course for two years, we will remove the title from the collection.
Faculty owned titles remain available until the media owner requests their physical media be returned. At that time we are required, for copyright compliance, to remove the title from the SML.
When a title is removed from the SML it will be indicated in your playlist as "OFFLINE."
We recommend that you review your playlists and check the status of each film each term to confirm its availability.
Windows Phone 8 (WP8) is not supported Known Issues
No current play links support the new Windows Phone 8 (WP8) operating system. Once support is in place from manufacturers we will update the player to support these devices.