This resource was developed by representatives from the Undergraduate Student Government Academic Affairs committee in Spring 2021. Instructors and departments can share this page with students using the link or use these social media graphics created by the Office of Technology and Digital Innovation (OTDI). Social media graphics must be accompanied by alternative (alt) text for accessibility.
Academic integrity is the moral code or ethical policy of academia that governs the behaviors of students, faculty and staff. Learn more about academic integrity and academic misconduct.
Show Your Work: Tips for Preserving Academic Integrity and Avoiding Misconduct
Most importantly, if you are unsure whether a resource, activity, or action is permitted, ask your instructor before you proceed.

Be cautious with joining unofficial course GroupMes or other group messaging tools. Do not share answers in group chats unless permitted by your instructor. You may be held responsible if someone else sends an answer to a homework or test question — even if you did not seek out their help. Check course policies to understand when collaboration with classmates on assignments is permitted.
Online Resources

Check class policies before using online study sites including Chegg, Course Hero, and StudyBlue. Use online forums that help you understand concepts rather than those that do the work for you. Do not access unauthorized resources during quizzes and exams.
Testing Policies

Instructors set their own policies regarding whether exams are open-book, open-internet, and so on. Always double check testing rules involving resource use and collaboration. If you are unsure what an instructor’s policy for exams is or what resource use is permissible, ask them to clarify.
Plagiarism Prevention

When you use or paraphrase someone else’s words without proper citations, you are committing plagiarism. Reference your sources and use quotation marks to indicate direct quotes. Self-plagiarism is still plagiarism! If you submit a paper you wrote for a previous class to a current class, you are plagiarizing.

Always cite your sources and do so in the correct format. Use tools such as EndNote, Zotero or RefWorks to keep track of what sources you are using. When proofreading a paper, make sure that you are not missing any citations.
Proctoring Environment

Some instructors may require the use of proctoring services for testing. Before taking a proctored exam, make sure that your camera and microphone are working correctly. Let your instructors know if you need accommodations, such as additional test time or alternate proctoring due to technological limitations.
Additional Materials

Double check what materials are allowed or required for your assignments and exams beforehand. Make sure to only use calculators and software that are approved by your instructor.