Teaching and Learning Resource Center



The practice of ensuring that content, products, services, technologies, and environments are able to be used and navigated by persons with vision, auditory, motor, or cognitive disabilities. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and ADA Title II guarantee accessibility as a civil right; violation of those civil rights may result in fines and lawsuits in addition to negative student experiences.

Digital accessibility, specifically, is the process of making digital information, products, and services such as online course content, online platforms, video/audio, websites, and apps accessible to the widest range of users possible, including persons with disabilities. Digital accessibility must be considered when using any technology in CarmenCanvas, including Carmen itself. Some common areas to be mindful of include video captions, alternate text for images, formatting and structure of documents, specific technology platforms, and types of assessments.

For additional information about accessibility policies at Ohio State, visit the Digital Accessibility Center.