Once logged in, you will see the following sections in the Secured Media Library (SML):

Overview page
Recently Viewed
On the Overview page you are presented with movie poster quick links to the nine most Recently Viewed titles you have watched.
Assigned Titles
Below recently viewed titles, you will see all movies currently assigned to any course you are enrolled in. This is just a listing of the movies and does not provide any information regarding the course name or playlist.
News items are listed at the bottom of the home page.
Assigned Playlists
The Assigned Playlists page displays a listing of all titles currently assigned to any course you are enrolled in through the following sections:

- Course name of which the titles are assigned.
- Playlist name is grouped together with the course name at the top of each grouping.
- Title column with video title links that you can click for more details.
- Click to Play column with viewing option buttons which may include:
- High - For a higher quality picture and to be used with a strong internet connection.
- Standard - Use for standard picture quality and most internet connections.
- iOS - Use with Apple mobile devices.
- Android - Use with Android mobile devices.
- Availability column displaying the specific time period set by your instructor. You will not be able to view the titles outside of these dates. If you need additional availability, contact your instructor.
Help page
The Help page links to the Teaching and Learning Resource Center, which provides access to FAQs, tutorial videos and general information on the Secured Media Library.