Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Transcript for Microsoft Forms Survey Example

This example Microsoft Forms survey includes both closed and open-ended questions about how things are going in the first few weeks of a Chemistry course. It has five questions on a Chemistry-themed template background that shows beakers and lab instruments on a table in front of a blackboard.

Intro to Chemistry: Early Term Survey

As your instructor, I want to know what is working well in this course and what I can adjust. Think back over the first few weeks of class and answer the questions below. Your input is valuable in improving our course experience! 

  1. What do you think of the balance between lecture and in-class activities? 

    [option 1] I need more lecture. 

    [option 2] It’s just right. 

    [option 3] I need more in-class activities. 


  1. The instructor makes lecture engaging and interesting. 

    [A 5-option scale is presented.] 

    [Option 1] Not at all. 

    [Option 2] 

    [Option 3] 

    [Option 4] 

    [Option 5] Very much so. 


  1. What do you think of the pace of this class. 

    [A 5-option scale is presented.] 

    [Option 1] Way too slow. 

    [Option 2] 

    [Option 3] 

    [Option 4] 

    [Option 5] Way too fast. 


  1. Describe at least one thing that is helping you learn in this class. 

    [text field] Enter your answer. 


  1. What change(s) could I make to better support your learning in this class? 

    [text field] Enter your answer.