The CarmenCanvas Media Tool located in the rich content editor is used in features that support the editor including:
- Announcements
- Assignments
- Discussions
The Media tool allows users to:
Record a video directly in Carmen
Upload a video created outside of Carmen
Media Files and Quotas
Carmen will not accept media uploads larger than 500 MB.
- If a file exceeds the 500 MB limit, you can host the file through an external source such as OneDrive and share in Carmen. See the Using OneDrive with Carmen guide for more information.
- If a file exceeds the 500 MB limit, you can host the file through an external source such as OneDrive and share in Carmen. See the Using OneDrive with Carmen guide for more information.
Instructors can restrict the file types, so read the assignment details closely.
Any attachments added as part of a graded assignment submission are also copied to your user files but are not counted against your user quota.
Troubleshooting Tips
Recording Video within Carmen
Wait for the recording to finish encoding
If you're having trouble with a recording you created within Carmen, keep in mind that if you have a long video, it can take a long time for the video to encode.
Carmen encodes the entire video before it's embedded in a post. Once you click Save, it may not look like anything is happening, when it is, in fact, being encoded in the background. Do not leave or refresh the page before it's actually finished encoding. This may take a long while, depending on the length of your video.
Record the video, then upload to Carmen
If you continue to experience difficulties with the Media tool, you may want to record the video in another tool then upload it to Carmen.
You might consider using your device's default video software or camera to record video.
Uploading a video to Carmen
Check your Upload Speed
The upload speed of your internet/wi-fi connection can be a factor in the successful upload of media to Carmen. Typically, upload speeds are significantly slower than download speeds.
You can test your internet connection and upload speed using a tool such as Speedcheck. Speeds of more than 3Mbps are recommended.