Carmen Pages are where you can put direct instructional content and educational resources that are part of a course but don't necessarily belong in an assignment or that are referred to in multiple assignments.
Pages are similar to a webpage and allow you to organize text, images, video, and link to files.
With pages you can:
Provide text and images to guide student learning or provide information.
Embed media content.
Link to course Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes using the Rich Text Editor.
Below is an example of a Carmen page containing text, links, and an embedded video.

You might consider creating a page as your course homepage. It provides students with a dedicated landing page for your course that you can customize.
You might use the homepage to:
Introduce yourself and the goals of the course.
Provide quick navigation links to important content within your course.
Give students directions for their first steps in the course.
Provide contact information.
Below is an example of a Page set as the course homepage.

See the Canvas Instructor Guide more information on Pages.