The Carmen landing page includes the following sections:
- My Courses
- Pagination
- Announcements
- Filters
- Master Courses (Instructors only)
- Resources & Workshops
Expand each section below for more information on each section.
1. My Courses
The My Courses list displays all courses in which you are enrolled. There are five components to My Courses. You can organize courses by term, course title, or status.
- Term - By default, the terms that will display here are: present term, most recent past term, next upcoming term, and Other.
- Course Title - Once created, the course title will become a link that takes you directly to your course. Students can only access an active link to the course once you have published it.
- Status - The Status section displays the current state of the course:
- Not Created - The course has not yet been created in Carmen.
- Unpublished – The course has been created in Carmen but student access has not been enabled.
- Published – Student access to this course is enabled.
- Course Management Access (Instructors Only) - The gear icon to the right of the course title indicates you have course management access for this course. This means you have access to one or more of the following functionalities:
- Create a course
- Add users to Carmen courses
- Transfer final grades from Carmen
2. Pagination
Be default, only ten courses display at once. Click the pagination arrows to display additional courses. Use the Filter options to search and load older courses.
3. Announcements
Announcements include any news from the eLearning Support team. Announcements only appear when there are announcements to view.
4. Filters
By default, the following courses appear in your My Courses list:
- Present term courses
- The most recent term
- “Other” term (any courses that are not an academic or master course)
As a new semester approaches, the oldest term will roll off this list and the upcoming term will be added. Modifying your filter options allows you to manage which courses display in the My Courses list.
Search Loaded Courses
Begin typing your course in the Search bar to search for your course from the loaded course list.
Modify Displayed Courses
From the loaded course list, you can choose to display courses based on term, status or role:
- Term - All terms relevant to the currently loaded courses. Check the box to display courses within a specific term.
- Status – As noted above, courses might be in one of three status: Not Created, Unpublished or Published.
- Role - Only roles relevant to you and those assigned from the Registrar's system display here.
5. Master Courses (Instructors Only)
Currently the Request Master Course option on the Carmen landing page directs users to the Request a forum space option on the CarmenCanvas Contact form.
6. Resources & Workshops
Additional resources and upcoming workshops for support.