Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Set up Accessibility Accommodations in Classic Quizzes

Accessibility accommodations provide support that allows students with disabilities to achieve the same instructional goals as students without disabilities. This article details the steps needed to provide students with additional time on quizzes according to their approved accommodations. Be sure to set a separate availability window if the extra time granted exceeds the availability window set for other students.

To set up accessibility accommodations for students in Classic Quizzes, those with instructor, TA, or designer roles within a course can:

  • Adjust availability windows
  • Add extra time for specific students

Add a new availability window in Classic Quizzes

To add a new availability window in Classic Quizzes:

  1. In course navigation, click the Quizzes link, then click the name of the quiz you’d like to modify.
  2. Click on the Edit button  

    Screenshot_ClassicQuiz_Edit Quiz button.png

    to open the Quiz Details page.

  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the Quiz Details page and click on the +Add button to add a new availability window for the student(s) who need accessibility accommodations.

    classic quizzes assign to window
  4. In the Assign to field, start typing the student's name and select their name from the drop-down menu when it appears. Repeat this step to add multiple students for the same window as needed.

    classic quizzes new availability window
  5. In the Due field, enter the due date and time for the quiz.
  6. In the Available from field, enter the desired start time for this accommodation.
  7. In the Until field, enter the desired until time for this accommodation.
  8. Be sure Everyone Else remains visible in one of the availability windows when adding one or more new windows for accessibility accommodations.

    changed availability window
  9. Click Save at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

Students will be able to access the quiz in the defined Available from to Until time frame after you save the above accommodation changes.


Please note the quiz availability window should be long enough to cover the full length of the exam time allocated to students. This is especially important when adding extra time for those with time accommodation. Consider making the availability window long enough to allow for technical difficulties or delays in arriving at the testing location.

Add extra time in Classic Quizzes

To add extra time in Classic Quizzes:

  1. In the course navigation, click the Quizzes link.
  2. Click the name of the quiz you’d like to modify. Note: The exam must be published before the Moderate This Quiz option will be available in Classic Quizzes.
  3. Click on the Moderate This Quiz link on the right side of the page, this will open the Moderate Quiz page.

    Moderate This Quiz location
  4. From the Moderate Quiz page, enter the student’s name in the Search People textbox, then click the Filter button to find the student you’re looking for.
  5. Click on the Pencil icon  

    Screenshot_ClassicQuiz_Pencile icon.png

    in the row for the student that you need to moderate their quiz time or attempts.

    edit icon on the moderate quiz page
  6. To add extra time on each attempt for the student, fill in the textbox of Extra time on every attempt.

    student extensions pop-up
  7. Check the Manually unlock the quiz for the next attempt  checkbox to unlock the quiz. Note: This setting is only needed if the quiz availability is locked. This unlocks it and allows the instructor to go in and set a new availability window. Or the instructor just needs to set a new availability window.
  8. Click Save to save your changes.

After you save the above accommodation changes, the student will be given the defined extra time on each attempt.


If your student already started the exam before time accommodations were set, you can add the extra time to the exam in progress by clicking on Moderate this Quiz and then clicking on the blue clock icon to add the extra time there. Be sure the student‘s availability window is long enough to cover the full length of the extended time or the student will be cut off when the Until window ends regardless of the extra time you add.  

For more information, please refer to Once I publish a timed quiz, how can I give my student extra time?

Additional resources

For additional resources and support for providing accessibility accommodations using Classic Quizzes, refer to: