PebblePad FAQs
What are PebblePlus+ and Atlas?
PebblePad refers to two systems: Pebble+ and Atlas. Both systems are viewable to all users, but Pebble+ is the student-focused system while Atlas is designed for administrators.
Once logged in to PebblePad, students will interact with the Pebble+ Dashboard (sometimes called the Pebble+ Home page) to create Assets. Instructors can create Resources for course activities from Pebble+.
Atlas stands for Active Teaching, Learning and Assessment Space, and it is a permission-based system that will be primarily used by administrators and program managers.
What is PebblePad?
PebblePad is an application used to develop digital portfolios (ePortfolios) and curate and manage evidence of reflection, learning, assessment and professional development. Ohio State has adopted PebblePad to support the university’s general education (GE) program and to join our set of eLearning tools that empower teaching and learning.
What's the difference between an Asset and a Resource?
PebblePad explains the difference between these similar terms:
An Asset includes uploaded files, pages, collections, activity logs, blogs, and other items. The key is that it has your personal content in it — information about you or something that you have done that makes it meaningful. You own your Assets and have full control over editing and sharing. You decide who sees which of your Assets, for how long, and what they can do with them. Any file you upload into PebblePad or work you create in PebblePad is an Asset.
A Resource is something you can use to create an Asset. A Resource provides structure and scaffolding so that you can enter information. It is an empty form or template that you can add your content to. It is typically made available to you by PebblePad or by others who are facilitating activities that you need to complete. When you save your content in a Resource it saves as an Asset in your Asset Store.
For example, instructors may create a template (Resource) to share with students in a GE course. When each student fills in the template, they will each generate their own Asset that contains their personal information.