Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Linking to Social Media and RSS

You can share your own social media links, using RSS icons. Adding an RSS feed icon to your site makes it possible for visitors with RSS readers to subscribe to all of your updates.

All U.OSU sites have an RSS feed located at https://u.osu.edu/yoursitename/feed.

For example, Carmen's RSS feed can be found at https://u.osu.edu/carmen/feed.

UX Tip

Please note that Chrome does not support RSS feeds. Instead, Chrome requires an RSS Subscription Extension to be added to your browser. Please see the Google RSS Subscription Extension description for more information.

You can also show social media icons for the following sites: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest.

Visitors can share your contents via their own social media sites. See Allowing Visitors to Share Your Posts for details.