New Quizzes is a new assessment engine developed by Instructure that will eventually replace the current engine, called Classic Quizzes, and become the default quiz-building tool in CarmenCanvas. Classic Quizzes will be gradually phased out over the next few years. The Carmen Learning Systems Support team has created a transition plan for introducing New Quizzes to Ohio State. This page will be updated as the plan progresses, and as more details become available. Please note that the exact dates of the different phases have yet to be determined and are dependent on the vendor’s timeline for finalizing the feature set.
Timeline for Transitioning to New Quizzes
Phase One: Exploration (Current Phase)
As of mid-autumn 2022, instructors can activate New Quizzes in their courses if they choose. If you elect to use New Quizzes at this time, be aware that the vendor will make significant updates over the next year. Make sure you consider these changes as you adopt the tool.
Making New Quizzes available as opt in at this stage allows programs and instructors to explore the tool to determine how it might best be utilized in programs or course curriculum. Instructors are encouraged to use forum courses to explore New Quizzes before using it in academic courses.
Ohio State will remain in the Exploration phase until the Carmen Learning Systems Support is confident that the tool is ready to be implemented across Ohio State and an appropriate accessibility plan is in place. The transition to the next phase will be communicated through official channels.
Phase Two: Implementation
New Quizzes will be available in all courses across Ohio State by default at the start of the semester in which it will be enabled. Programs and instructors will be encouraged to utilize the tool in academic courses in preparation for adoption of the tool. During this phase, however, instructors can also opt not to use New Quizzes in their courses. Classic Quizzes will still be available for use by instructors, with no required changes to existing quizzes. Instructors will have full autonomy to decide between the two quiz-creation engines to best determine when the transition to New Quizzes takes place for their program or specific course.
When importing course content from one course to another, instructors can decide to migrate all quizzes from Classic to the New Quizzes or import them as Classic quizzes. Once within the course, instructors can migrate Classic quizzes to New Quizzes on a quiz-by-quiz basis, giving instructors full control over when quizzes are transferred to the new quiz-creating engine.
While using New Quizzes is optional during this phase, instructors and programs should develop plans to have quizzes migrated to New Quizzes in preparation for phase three when Classic Quizzes will be limited. Instructors should develop strategies for learning how to develop and manage assessments in the New Quizzes engine and plan to adopt it as appropriate for their curriculums. Throughout this phase, the OTDI Educator Professional Learning team will be hosting sessions introducing New Quizzes for instructors looking for hands-on training.
The implementation phase, when both Classic and New Quizzes engines are available, will last for a minimum of one academic year (three semesters, including summer semester) from the time New Quizzes is turned on by default. The end of this stage will be communicated in advance through official channels.
Phase Three: Adoption
Classic Quizzes will be deactivated by default across all courses prior to the beginning of the semester in which it is determined to initiate the phase. At this point, instructors will be required to use New Quizzes for all newly created assessments in Carmen and the Classic Quiz engine will not be available for creating new assessments. However, quizzes already created in Classic prior to this stage can still be edited and administered in courses if they have been imported into the course as Classic quizzes. Instructors will still have the option to import quizzes into their courses as either Classic or New Quizzes, depending on preference. They retain the ability to convert individual quizzes from Classic to New Quizzes within the course as well.
At this phase every effort should be made for programs and courses to transition to the New Quizzes tool in preparation for the full adoption of the tool in the final phase of the transition.
This phase will cover between one or two semesters from the time Classic quiz engine is deactivated. The end of this stage will be communicated in advance through official channels.
Phase Four: Full Adoption
This final phase is marked by the inability to utilize Classic Quizzes in any course across Ohio State. At this stage instructors will no longer be able to use Classic Quizzes in active courses. They will no longer be able to administer or edit quizzes created in Classic Quizzes and all quizzes will be created and administered through the New Quizzes engine.
Classic Quizzes will be automatically migrated to New Quizzes when imported into any course shell without the ability to import Classic Quizzes.
Instructors will still be able to access quizzes created in Classic in past courses to view content and for retention policies. They will be able to view quiz content, grades, student submissions, and still be able to migrate content to New Quizzes as needed until Instructure removes the ability to interact with Classic Quizzes completely. This date for permanent removal of access has yet to be determined but will likely be several years after it has been deactivated.
Throughout this phase, the Educator Professional Learning team will be hosting sessions introducing New Quizzes for instructors looking for hands-on training.