Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Considerations for Adopting New Quizzes

Ohio State is currently in phase one of its transition to New Quizzes. This means you can activate New Quizzes in a course if you choose.

The use of New Quizzes for assessments in academic courses should be considered carefully. If you elect to enable the feature at this time, please note that New Quizzes will continue undergoing significant updates by the vendor in the next year that will impact the workflow of the quiz creation process and available features.

Additionally, there are some known accessibility limitations that you must be aware of before using New Quizzes in an academic course. Make sure you are familiar with the tool and its limitations before using it for assessments.

UX Tip

You can request a fourm course to explore New Quizzes and its functionality. 

Instructure's New Quizzes Hub is the best source for up-to-date information on the development and release of features. They also maintain a list comparing the current functionality available in New Quizzes versus the functionality in Classic Quizzes. The following are just a few of the key innovations, differences, and issues to consider before adopting New Quizzes in your own courses.

Innovations in New Quizzes

You can print your quizzes in New Quizzes. You can either print a quiz key with answers shown or print a blank quiz with no answers. Quizzes can be printed on paper or saved to your computer as a PDF file.

Questions can be stored in Item Banks instead of the Question Banks used in Classic Quizzes. You can use Item Banks to manage quiz questions and share them with fellow instructors.

You can more easily duplicate questions in New Quizzes. A duplicated quiz question includes the question title, question stem, question data and answers, points possible, question options, and aligned outcomes.

Accommodations you enter for a student now apply to all quizzes in a course. No need to enter them before each quiz.

Quizzes can be reopened to allow students to complete their most recent attempt with whatever time they have remaining. Additionally, there will be an option that lets you allow students to build on their last attempt at a quiz by reattempting incorrectly answered questions.

There are several new question types available, including ordering, categorization, and stimulus questions.

Multiple question types will have options for awarding partial credit or varying the amount of points by answer based on how students respond.

Differences Between New Quizzes and Classic Quizzes

The Canvas Quizzes tool now houses both Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes. When you create a quiz, you'll be asked which quiz type you want to work with. On the quiz listing page, icon styles differentiate classic from new quizzes. Classic quizzes have an outlined icon of a rocketship

White Rocket Ship Icon

, whereas the icon for new quizzes is a solid green rocketship

Green Rocket Ship Icon


The most obvious difference between New Quizzes and Classic Quizzes is the interface for creating a quiz. Instead of toggling between the Details and Questions tabs to get started, now you will click on the Build button after entering your quiz details. Doing so opens the New Quizzes interface where you will create your assessment. You can leave this interface at any point by clicking the Return button. Both the Build and Return buttons save your progress.

Grades are calculated differently in New Quizzes. A quiz now requires an assignment point value and question point values. The assignment point value is entered on the quiz details page before you click the Build button. Question point values are entered as you create questions. The point value entered in the quiz details determines the value in the Gradebook. For the Gradebook score, the percentage of question points earned is multiplied by the points possible in the assignment details. For example, if a student earns 18 out of 20 points (90%) on a quiz worth 15 points in the quiz details, the student's score in the Gradebook would be 90% of 15, or 13.5.

SpeedGrader is now accessed through the quiz’s three-dot menu or via the Gradebook. A quiz's three-dot menu can be accessed on the Assignments, Quizzes, or Modules (if added) pages of a course. Locate the quiz to be graded on any of those pages and click the three-dot menu. Then click the SpeedGrader link.

The “Text (no question)” question type from Classic Quizzes is unavailable in New Quizzes. Now, the stimulus question type can be used to add text blocks that don’t require a response from the students.

Item Banks are associated with your account, instead of the course in which they were created. This means you need to share an Item Bank before anyone else can use its content. You can share it with specific individuals, or with a course if you need everyone with TA or Instructor-level access to be able to use your Item Bank.

There are no different quiz types in New Quizzes, all quizzes are essentially the same as the “Graded Quiz” type in Classic Quizzes. You can still create practice quizzes that do not appear in your gradebook. Instead of selecting a Practice Quiz option as you would in Classic Quizzes, you will need to enter a zero for the assignment point value and select the Do not count this assignment towards the final grade checkbox on the quiz details page. Check the Current Issues section for details on surveys.


While both quiz engines use the same rich content editor, migration from Classic Quizzes to New Quizzes can alter the formatting of your text and images. It is very important to review your quizzes after migration to ensure everything is correct. 

Current Issues with New Quizzes

While there are items on Instructure’s roadmap addressing the issues below, they do not have specific resolution dates. They are currently listed as considerations for the second quarter of 2024 and beyond.

The Designer role does not have the ability to create or edit assessments made in New Quizzes.

Quiz accommodations cannot be edited once a student begins a quiz attempt. Providing additional time to complete an active quiz attempt isn’t currently possible. You will need to work with students to reopen their last attempt or provide them with an additional one.

The graded and ungraded survey options are not available in New Quizzes, but they are developing a way to gather anonymous student feedback in quiz form.

New Quizzes does log student activity for each quiz attempt, but it does not contain the same level of detail as the session information and action logs provided by Classic Quizzes.

Question Banks cannot currently be converted into Item Banks, and Questions Banks are not useable in New Quizzes. While Instructure works on making conversion automatic, a workaround can be used in the meantime. Add all of the questions from one of your banks to a classic quiz and then migrate it to New Quizzes. Then you can add the content from the migrated quiz to an Item Bank.

UX Tip

Currently Classic Quizzes can only be migrated on an individual basis. Bulk migration for all course quizzes during import will not available until phase two of Ohio State’s transition plan.