Teaching and Learning Resource Center

CarmenBooks Opt-out

You can opt-out of CarmenBooks by completing the request form. Support staff will reach out to you to confirm some account and course information. Once confirmed, your information will be sent to the Registrar to remove the fee and your access will be revoked.

Opt-out deadline

The deadline to opt-out and receive a full refund is the same as the University Add/Drop date for your session.

Only full refunds are issued. There are no partial refunds issued after the deadline.


How does this affect my status as [veteran, student-athlete, College Credit Plus student, etc.]?

This question is best answered by a representative of the organization itself. (SASSO, Office of Military and Veterans Services, etc.)

I opted out but still see materials in my Course. Can you confirm I won't be charged?

Yes. The technical team that provides access to materials is separate from the team in the Office of the Registrar that handles billing. Sometimes there is a delay on one side or the other.

If you still see material after opting out, it will likely be removed within a day or two. 

I have already paid my tuition statement, which included this fee, but I would like to opt out. Will I receive a refund?

If you opt out before the semester’s opt-out deadline, but after having already paid for the material, you will receive a full refund.

As with standard opt-outs, there are no refunds after the deadline.