Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Personal Meeting Room

This video was created by the vendor. 

Create instant meetings using your CarmenZoom account's personal meeting ID that never changes.


Designed For

Your personal meeting room should only be used when you are meeting on-the-fly with someone. Do not use your personal meeting room to host classes or public events; instead, use scheduled meetings.

Think of it as something like your phone number, but with video. In fact, you can edit the URL for your personal meeting to use any 10-digit number you prefer; your Ohio state phone number is a good suggestion. You can also create a URL that includes your name.

For your personal meeting room, we recommend turning off Allow Join Before Host; this is your room, to be used only when you are there.

Using your personal meeting room at a time when you have scheduled another Zoom meeting through the Zoom app, the web portal, or the CarmenCanvas integration may cause problems.

Get Started

  1. Log in to carmenzoom.osu.edu with your lastname.# and university password.
  2. Choose Meetings on the left-hand sidebar.
  3. Click the Personal Meeting Room tab.

Vendor Guides