Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Create a Page


Accessibility in PebblePad

Prior to developing and sharing content using PebblePad, please carefully read over the Accessibility in PebblePad guide. These guidelines provide strategies for creating accessible content and information on how to get assistance with accessibility concerns. 

Any user with accessibility concerns may contact ePortfolio@osu.edu. Learning Systems Support staff will coordinate with a student's instructors to arrange appropriate accommodations.

Students with existing relationships with Student Life Disability Services can reach out to their Access Specialist for assistance with PebblePad. The Learning Systems Support Team can work with the accessibility specialists to provide additional training and technical support for the tool. 

A PebblePad Page is a single-page, evidence-based website, used to present stories about your activities, learning, personal profile, or any other number of topics. A Page can contain a range of elements, including images and videos. It can also contain links to other Assets within your Store or to external items on the Internet.

  1. Log into PebblePad via the login page or click the PebblePad link in your Carmen course navigation menu.
  2. In the Get creative tile, click the Click to get creative link.
    From homepage, click Get Creative
  3. In the Create a Page tile, click the Click to create a Page link.
    Click to create page

    A page will load that includes a banner image. This is where you can get creative and begin building a page with different elements you may include in assignments throughout your required GE courses or other courses that may be incorporating an ePortfolio requirement.

  4. Start by clicking Add ContentA listing of available content types that may be added to the page appears. For help in determining which content type(s) you may want to include on your page, visit the PebblePad Get Creative: Pages help page. 
    Add content
    UX Tip

    If you are planning on including images, video, audio, or a document, you will need to upload those assets to your Assets store to be able to include them on your page.

  5. It may also be helpful to click the Properties button at the top right of the screen to open the block editor as most content types will be contained in blocks on the page.
  6. With the block editor open, clicking on a block on the page will display properties of that block. To add a content type to your page, simply click the content type and drag it onto a blank place on the page. You are able to move blocks around. For example, if you want to add a photo of yourself, drag the Image content type onto the page to create the image block.
    Block content editor
    Experiment adding different content types to your page. You may want to create an About Me page that includes:
    • A banner image
    • An image block for your profile picture
    • A My Story text block with sub-headings to break up content
    • An About My ePortfolio text block with sub-headings for audience and the audience association to professional and social privacy
    • A Skills Needed text block with sub-headings for what skills you will need to be successful and how you will acquire those skills
    • An image block to make the page more visually appealing
    • A Future Goals text block with sub-headings for career, personal, professional, and family
    • A Quote block featuring your favorite quote that motivates you
    • An Inspiration text block with sub-headings for why you are doing what you are doing or why the quote block is your driving force
      Adding the above elements creates the following layout:
      Example PebblePad home page
  7. Click Save to save the page layout.
  8. Add a title to the page.
  9. Click Confirm.
  10. Your new page will be saved to your Assets Store and become available to include in your Workbook.