Once you have entered all grades for your course and have reviewed your grading scheme to be sure it aligns with the Registrar's grade basis, use the Final Grades tool in Aegis to transfer your course’s final grades from CarmenCanvas to the Faculty Center.
- Navigate to aegis.osu.edu and log in.
Click the Final Grades card. You will see a list of your current semester published courses.
Click the name of the course for which you would like to transfer final grades.
Review the grades displayed. Do the grades listed match what you see in Carmen? Are they what you want to have entered in the Faculty Center? If you need to go back to your course to make changes to your grades, you can click the Reload Grades button when you return.
If the grades displayed are correct, click Begin Final Grades Transfer. An information window appears. Click Transfer Final Grades, and the transfer process will begin.
Once the transfer process is completed, a screen will display showing the status of each grade transfer.
You can filter by name, username, grade, section, or error type. The filter can be opened by clicking the three dot icon next to any of the column headers on the top tab.

- Click Go to the Faculty Center to add Incomplete and EN details and to post grades. See How to Post Final Grades Using the Grade Roster on the Administrative Resource Center for details.
- If you would like to transfer another set of grades before posting, navigate back to your list of current published courses.