The Canvas Teacher app allows instructors to manage their courses and use Canvas more efficiently from a mobile device. The Canvas Teacher app is available for Android and iOS devices.
The Teacher app provides quick access for grading submissions, communicating with students, and updating course content through Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes.
Grade submissions
Instructors can browse submissions and provide feedback to their students with a new and improved mobile SpeedGrader embedded in the app.

Communicate with students
Instructors can post announcements, send messages, and participate in course discussions. Canvas Teacher includes the Message Students Who feature from the web version of Canvas and allows teachers to easily send messages to students about specific course assignments.

Update assignments
Instructors can easily update existing course assignments including due dates and spelling errors. You can also publish assignments, manage discussion settings, and adjust quiz options.

For more information about the Teacher app please see the Canvas guides specific to your device: