CarmenCanvas is not the system of record for student grades or a long-term repository of instructional material.
Faculty and staff are encouraged to use Forum Courses as the dedicated, consistent space for building instructional materials that can be copied into an academic course shell each semester.
If older courses become subject to removal from Carmen, instructors, Carmen affiliates, and other stakeholders will be notified well in advance to the beginning of the removal process. Any course removal will comply with the University university's record retention schedules. Faculty and staff are expected to comply with University retention schedules and records destruction processes.
See Backing Up Data for instructions on creating backups of Carmen course and student data.
Use of Student Data in Research
For information about using student work in research, visit the Human Subjects Institutional Review Board (IRB) site from the Office of Responsible Research Practices.
Note that students are generally understood to hold the copyright for any work they produce for a course.