Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Microsoft 365 Carmen Integration for Instructors

The Microsoft 365 integration with CarmenCanvas allows instructors and students to use, create, share, and collaborate on Word, PowerPoint, and Excel files within Carmen. Microsoft 365 provides browser-based, online versions of Microsoft Office applications.

UX Tip

OneNote is not currently supported; the vendors are addressing the issue

The Microsoft 365 integration appears in several areas in Carmen such as Assignments, Collaborations, and Modules.

There is also an integration with the Rich Content Editor that opens up even more areas for connecting a course to a user's OneDrive, such as in Announcements, Discussions, and Quizzes.

The Microsoft 365 integration with Carmen allows instructors to

  • Grade Word, Excel, and, PowerPoint submitted from OneDrive using SpeedGrader.
  • Create cloud assignments for students to submit without downloading a document.
  • Easily create and add course materials, quizzes, and collaborative documents from your OneDrive folders to your courses Modules.
  • Use Microsoft 365 documents, spreadsheets, or presentations for Collaborations.

Any Microsoft 365 content in a course will break when the course is copied into a new course shell. The links are inaccessible, even when the original folder owner is the current course instructor. Instructors should update the links in the copied course.