Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Using OneDrive with Carmen

Microsoft 365 allows you to add content from your OneDrive account to Carmen. There are a number of ways to integrate and share OneDrive files in your Carmen course. 

  • Microsoft 365 integrations within Carmen
    • Rich Content Editor 
    • Using the External Tool option in Assignments and Modules 
  • OneDrive share URL

The Microsoft 365 link does not need to be enabled in your course navigation for either way to work. 

Carmen Integration 

There are two ways to use the Carmen integration with Microsoft 365: 

  • Rich Content Editor 
  • Using the External Tool option in Assignments and Modules 

The integration does not support downloading PDFs and other non-Microsoft file types. Use the OneDrive Share URL if you want to give others the ability to download the file.


1. From the Modules page, select the plus icon in the upper right-hand corner.  

2. From the drop-down menu select External Tool then select Office 365 from the list. 

Choose External Tool

3. Navigate to the desired folder or item in the folder. Click the check box to select the desired item(s). 

4. Click Attach File

Select Your File

5. Click Add Item

Be sure to publish the items in the Module and the Module itself before sharing it with students.  


1. From within the Rich-text editor, select the Plug icon for Apps.

2. If this is your first time, click View All and select Office 365 from the list. Otherwise, click Office365 from the recently viewed options visible to you. You might be prompted to log in to OneDrive. 

Click the plug icon

3. Navigate to the desired folder or item in the folder. Click the check box to select the desired item(s).

4. Click Attach File

Select Your File

5. Click Save.  

Using the OneDrive Share URL 

If you are creating content in Carmen as an instructional designer or course coordinator, you will want to use links directly from OneDrive instead of using the O365 integration. Sharing using the OneDrive "People in The Ohio State University with the link" URL will ensure users can still access the file after the course is copied, even if you aren’t enrolled in the copied course.

This method is recommended if users need to download the files you are sharing in CarmenCanvas, as downloading files through the integration is not easily achieved or possible in some cases.

To share files using the OneDrive share URL:

  1. From within OneDrive, locate the desired file. 
  2.  Click on the check box, then click Share.
  3. In the Send link dialogue box, click on People you specify can view to access the Link settings.
    Click People you specify can view
  4. Then choose People in The Ohio State University with the link.
  5. Click Apply.
    Click People in The Ohio State University with the link


4. Click Copy link to share the URL with your students. You can paste the URL in a Carmen Page, Assignment, Module, etc.