Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Set up Microsoft 365

The Ohio State Microsoft 365 license provides current Ohio State students and employees with access to Microsoft 365 services including:

  • Five (5) terabytes of cloud storage through OneDrive for Business
  • Online versions of the Office applications
  • Mobile applications where you can access, edit and view Office documents on mobile devices
  • The ability to download and locally install Microsoft applications on up to five (5) computers
    • Employees cannot download Microsoft 365 to Ohio State-owned machines. They can use Microsoft 365, along with the Office applications already installed on their computers.
  • Regular access to the latest software updates

Employees working for the Ohio State Medical Center (@osumc.edu) are not eligible to access the university's Microsoft 365 services. Faculty members with a dual appointment can request access by contacting the IT Service Desk at 614-688-4357 or servicedesk@osu.edu.

For more information about getting started with Microsoft 365 please see the following articles:

Once you have set up Microsoft 365, you will be able to use the Carmen integration.