Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Zoom Integration: Start and Manage Meetings

Follow the instructions below to start and manage a Zoom meeting.

  1. From within the desired Carmen course, click on Zoom from the course navigation.

  2. Select the Upcoming Meetings tab to locate a scheduled meeting.

  3. Click Start next to the name of the meeting to begin a new meeting or join a meeting that has already begun.

    Start Zoom meeting from within a Carmen course
  4. Click the name of the meeting, then click Edit this Meeting if you would like to change the meeting settings.


    Meetings and edits created in CarmenCanvas show up in the CarmenZoom web portal but not the reverse. Meetings and edits made within the CarmenZoom web portal will not appear in CarmenCanvas. If you're setting up course-specific meetings, it is best to do this within Carmen.

  5. Click the Delete button to the right of the meeting name if you would like to delete your meeting. Any cloud recordings of the deleted meeting will still be available under the Cloud Recordings tab.