Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Using Mediasite Quizzes in Carmen


You must create the Mediasite quiz in Mediasite first! 

If you have added a quiz to a Mediasite presentation, you can embed it as a graded assignment in CarmenCanvas, and the results of the quiz will be posted to the Gradebook. 

  1. In your Carmen course, select Assignments from the navigation menu. 
  1. Select +Assignment to create a new assignment. 
  1. Input the required assignment details, including an assignment name and number of points. Note that for a Mediasite Quiz to send any scores to the Gradebook, the point value in the assignment must be greater than 0. 
  1. Under Submission Type, choose External Tool and then select Find.
  1. Select Mediasite Video with Quiz from the list of external tools. The Mediasite content selector will appear.

    Mediasite Video with Quiz

  1. Use the content selector to search or navigate to the Mediasite presentation containing the published quiz. Select Link Video or Embed Video, depending on how you want the video to appear in the assignment. You will be returned to the Configure External Tool menu. The direct link to the video will be in the in the link box.
  1. At the bottom of the menu, choose if you want to load the Mediasite quiz presentation in a new browser tab or use the existing tab. Then click the Select button. 
  1. Optionally, adjust the assignment description or modify the other assignment settings. 
  1. Once you are satisfied with the assignment parameters, select Save (or Save and Publish if you are ready to distribute the assignment). 

When students open the assignment and watch the Mediasite quiz presentation, they will be prompted to answer the quiz questions throughout the video. At the end, they will be asked to review and submit their quiz responses, and a grade will automatically be posted to the Gradebook for the student.