Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Upload a Mediasite Recording as a new Presentation

If you recorded your presentation using Mediasite Mosaic while offline, you can upload your recording as a presentation in the MyMediasite Portal.


Note that this article is intended for individuals using Mediasite on a personal device. If uploaded on a Classroom computer, be aware Classroom computers erase all personal data each night. For this reason, we recommend you check that your recording is playable within the Mediasite Portal on the same day you've uploaded it. If it is not playable, an error occurred during processing. You will need to return to the same classroom computer and re-upload the recording.

Before you begin, check to be sure you have a stable internet connection.

  1. Login to your Mediasite Portal.
  2. Launch Mediasite Mosaic from the computer on which you created the recording.
  3. Check to make sure your email address appears in the upper-right corner of the Mosaic app to confirm that your MyMediasite profile is connected.
    name.# in upper right corner of Mediasite Mosaic
  4. Click Presentations. A list of existing recordings displays.
    List of recordings under Presentations
  5. Find the appropriate recording and click three-dot menu to the right of the date & time stamp. Click Upload.
    Individual recording three-dot menu
  6. The Upload progress bar shows the recording uploading.
    Progress bar displaying upload recording under recording
  7. Your presentation will appear in your Mediasite portal. It will not be available for viewing until after it finishes processing and OCR are complete.

    Upload time varies depending on the recorded material and number of jobs already in the server's transcoding queue. To be sure your presentation is viewable, please check back:

    • before the end of the day, if using a public computer. See the Mediasite Mosaic in Classrooms guide if using a University Classroom computer.
    • within 24 hours, if using a personal device.