Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Collaborating on Individual Presentations

For any given presentation, you can elevate an OSU employee with a name.# and university password to the status of Editor.  By default, all users with a name.# and password are "Viewers" of your presentations.  That is, they can watch the presentation.  Editors can log in to the MyMediasite portal and modify presentation properties and re-record or upload video. 


Since Editors are not owners of the recording, they will only be able to play the presentation if the presentation is set from Private to Viewable. Editors may also need to search for the presentations within their MyMediasite Portal.

To elevate access:

  1. Login to the MyMediasite Portal.
  2. Choose the appropriate presentation. The Information tab opens.
  3. Click Edit Security.
    Edit Security button under Security heading
  4. From the Add people or groups drop down, select Editor.
    Role select box to the right of Add People or Groups field
  5. Click in the Add people or groups box.  
  6. Type the university email address or name of the person you would like to give Editor access to.  The person must have previously logged in to MyMediasite.
  7. The person’s name will appear as you type, select their name.  
    Example name displaying below Add People or Groups field
  8. They will be automatically added to the User Profiles for the presentation. You will see the checks next to the actions they have been granted.  
  9. Click Save.
    Save button in upper right corner of Security page
  10. To remove an individual with elevated access, select their name from the list then click Remove Selected Roles.