Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Granting Presentation Access to Non-OSU Viewers

By default, all users with a lastname.# and password are "Viewers" of your presentations.  That is, they can watch the presentation.  You can change these permissions to allow Everyone (e.g., those without a lastname.#) to view your presentations.


Be sure to change your Presentations from Private to Viewable. Otherwise, no one will be able to see the presentations within your Channel.

To allow Everyone access:

  1. Login to the MyMediasite Portal.
  2. Choose the appropriate presentation. The Information tab opens.
  3. Click Edit Security.
    Edit Security button under Security heading
  4. Select Viewer from the drop-down menu.
    Viewer option under role select box next to Add People or Groups field
  5. Click within the "Add people or groups" box. Begin typing “Everyone”, a drop-down will appear as you type, select Everyone
    Everyone select option under Add People or Groups field
  6. Everyone will appear in the assigned roles.  
  7. Click Save.
    Save button in upper right corner of Security page

    To remove Everyone access, highlight Everyone from the list, then click Remove Selected Roles
  8. Distribute the presentation(s) to your viewers.