Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Importing Your Blog into U.OSU

Export your site from your current blogging platform by following the instructions from the help and support forums for that specific platform. Import your blog into U.OSU by following the steps below.

UX Tip

To import from Blogger, see Importing from a Blogger Blog.

  1. Log into u.osu.edu and navigate to the dashboard of the site that you would like to edit.

    Before importing into your U.OSU site, be sure that the intended U.OSU site is public. If the blog is private, the import will not work.

  2. Click Tools from the left-side Main Menu.
  3. Select Import from the Tools menu.
    Import menu item under Available Tools in U.OSU
  4. Select the name of the blogging platform from which you are exporting.
    As an example, we're using a WordPress blog though the process is similar for the other platforms.
    WordPress option under Import screen of U.OSU
  5. Click Choose File to select the file that you would like to import (Wordpress generally exports as an .xml file).
  6. Once you have located the file, open the file and click Upload file and import.
    Upload File and Import button on Import WordPress screen in U.OSU
  7. Select which author you would like to assign the posts to.
    UX Tip

    If you're importing from a site with multiple authors, we recommend adding these authors as users to the new site beforehand. U.OSU will then be able to better map authors with posts.

  8. Select whether or not you would like to import attachments.
    Assign Authors select option and Import Attachments checkbox on Import WordPress screen in U.OSU
  9. Click Submit.
  10. Preview your site by hovering over the site name in the Admin Toolbar and clicking Visit Site.