Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Building Accessible Tables in the RCE

Tables are useful for communicating relationships between data, especially when those relationships can be best expressed in a matrix of rows and columns. Tables should not be used to control layout.  If your data is best presented in a table, try to keep the table simple. If the table is complex, consider dividing it into multiple smaller tables with a heading above each. A key to making data tables accessible to screen reader users is to clearly identify column and row headers. Use the CarmenCanvas Rich Content Editor (RCE)'s built-in Table functionality to format tables accessibly.  

Create a table 

Tables should have captions and headings to assist screen readers in reading the data correctly. 

To create a table: 

  1. Click the three-dot icon

    Three dot menu with three dots lined up vertically

    on the formatting toolbar to show more options. 

  1. Click the table icon

    Rich content editor table icon

    to open its menu. 

  1. Click Table to open a grid panel. 

  1. Hover your mouse over the grid to select the desired configuration of columns and rows, then left-click to add table. 

    Table grid selector

Add a table caption 

Captions can be used to associate a short description to the table. Captions are not required, but they may be helpful in providing additional context. Captions provide more context to tables and appear in a row above your table's content. Keep captions clear and concise.

To add a caption to an existing table:

  1. Click on a cell in a table in your Carmen content. The table's floating toolbar will appear.
  2. Select the table icon on the floating toolbar. The Table Properties box will open.
    Clicking a cell in a table will open the table's floating toolbar
  3. In the Table Properties box, under Caption, check the Show caption box.
    Check "show caption" box
  4. Click Save. Space will be added above the table for the caption.
  5. Add your caption in the added space above the table. 
    Add your caption above the table

Designate header row and header cells 

Table headers help describe how table contents are related. Whenever possible, make your tables simple: one header row, one column of header cells, no merged cells. If this is not possible, consider whether you could divide it into multiple smaller tables with a heading above each. 

Designate a header row

  1. Select to highlight cells in the header row. 

  1. Click the three-dot icon

    Three dot menu with three dots lined up vertically

    on the formatting toolbar to show more options. 

  1. Click the table icon 

    Rich content editor table icon

    to open its menu. 
    [insert image] 

  2. Click Row

  3. Click Row Properties. The Row Properties box will open. 

    Access the Table's Row properties
  1. Under Row type, click Header.

    Row type: Header
  2.  Click Save

Designate a header cell

  1. Select to highlight one or more cell(s). 

  1. Click the three-dot icon

    Ordered and unordered list icon in the RCE

    on the formatting toolbar to show more options. 

  1. Click the table icon

    Rich content editor table icon

    to open its menu. 

  1. Click Cell

  2. Click Cell Properties. The Cell Properties box will open. 

    Open the Table's Cell properties
  3. Under Cell type, click Header

  4. Under Scope, click Row (i.e., the header cell describes data cells in the same row) or Column (i.e., the header cell describes data cells in the same column),  

  5. Click Save

    Selected Cell Type and Scope

Learn more about creating tables in Carmen