Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Sharing Materials

CarmenCanvas allows instructors to customize their course by organizing individual Pages, uploading Files, linking to external content, and then organizing those individual components into Modules to help students navigate their course materials.

Forum courses

We recommend that instructors build their courses using a forum course. Forum courses are not connected to the Registrar's system. It is a dedicated, consistent space for building instructional materials that you can then copy into the academic course each semester. You can create forum courses that correspond to each academic course you currently teach or will be teaching in future semesters.

See Forum Courses for more information.

Building course content

Once you have created your master course it's time to begin building course content. We recommend that you begin by uploading Files and/or creating Pages, and then organize the content using Modules. Common course organizational structures include creating Modules for each week or by unit. Organizing using Modules will help guide your students through your course. 

Publish content

Once you finish setting up your course, don't forget to publish your course, the Module, and each item within the Module so students can access the material.