Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Encouraging Asset Uploads


Accessibility in PebblePad

Prior to developing and sharing content using PebblePad, please carefully read over the Accessibility in PebblePad guide. These guidelines provide strategies for creating accessible content and information on how to get assistance with accessibility concerns. 

Any user with accessibility concerns may contact ePortfolio@osu.edu. Learning Systems Support staff will coordinate with a student's instructors to arrange appropriate accommodations.

Students with existing relationships with Student Life Disability Services can reach out to their Access Specialist for assistance with PebblePad. The Learning Systems Support Team can work with the accessibility specialists to provide additional training and technical support for the tool. 

Students using their Asset Store to build Assets is an important element of folio-thinking. The Asset Store provides extensive information about each asset. All your Assets are added into the same bucket in the Asset Store, so filtering will be important. Therefore, naming conventions and tags will become essential for finding projects.  

It’s also a key aspect in preparing students for the Gen Ed reflection course. Additionally, it’s a good way to store projects that can later be shared with future employees or further showcased.  

UX Tip

Learn how to incorporate ePortfolios and reflective practice in your course and how this can benefit your students. 

Instructors, especially those teaching general education courses, are encouraged to remind students to upload final projects into their Asset Store. They can do so in two ways: 

Suggest students upload any project in your course to their Asset Store 

Most projects that you have students create outside of Carmen can be added to the Asset Store. Simply encouraging students to add their projects there, even if you are not counting it for credit towards the project, can go a long way in helping students to be reflective of their learning and thinking about what is, and is not, worth saving.  

Create an assignment in Carmen that requires students to submit the project’s Asset Share URL 

Essentially, when students complete the project in the medium that works best for the project (e.g., Word, Excel, video file, image, etc.), you can: 

  1. Assign students to upload the completed version to their Asset Store in PebblePad.
  2. Have students copy and submit the Share URL for the Asset as the completed version.
  3. Have students submit that URL into a Carmen Assignment set up for URL submissions.  
UX Tip

Submitting via URL in Carmen, allows you to view and grade the project in Speedgrader. However, you cannot make annotated comments directly on the PebblePad submission. If in-line feedback is essential to the project, you will want students to submit it as a document instead of just the URL.