Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Campus & College Branding

In the site's banner, along with customizing the Site Title and Tagline, users can opt to use the OSU default branding or switch to a regional campus signature or college signature. Users may use whichever level of branding they desire, but should take care to select a college or campus with which they are affiliated.


Please note, choosing a specific branding signature only indicates your affiliation with the chosen regional campus or college. All information within the site is still your own. If, however, your site represents an entity of The Ohio State University, such as a department, please modify your footer to indicate that the information in your site is owned by the university.

To change the branding on U.OSU:

  1. Once logged in, click Appearance on the left-hand Main Menu. The Themes page displays.
  2. Click Customize from the submenu. The customizing page appears.
    Customize menu item under Themes in side navigation of U.OSU
  3. Click the College/Unit Branding box.
    College/Unit Branding expanded in Customizer side menu
  4. Choose your OSU Branding from the drop-down list.
  5. Click Save & Publish.
  6. When finished, click the X in the upper-left corner to return to your U.OSU Dashboard.