MindTap is a Cengage Learning service, enabled through an integration of Cengage Learning's digital suite (MindLink) into CarmenCanvas. MindTap connects students from their Carmen course to assignments and homework related to their Cengage textbook.
Instructor Login and Setup Information
The first step is to enable Cengage and add it to the course navigation. The course navigation link will not be visible to students.
Follow the directions to enable navigation links for directions on enabling links in your course. The widget is titled Cengage.
Once enabled, click the Cengage link in the course navigation to create a course level link within the Cengage service. Follow the Cengage instructions or watch the self-tutorial video Creating a New Course.
Please note the Cengage materials use a prior Carmen user interface. While the interface may appear different, the step-by-step instructions remain the same.
If you would like to associate specific activities with the Carmen gradebook, follow the Cengage instructions to link to specific learning activities or watch the self-tutorial video Content Customization and Deep Linking.
At this point, if you have questions or concerns, please contact your Cengage representative. We recommend you add the course-specific tech support link to your Carmen course. This link eliminates the need for students to create a separate account to receive support. Once the student clicks the link in Carmen, the student is automatically directed to a page where he/she can search the knowledge base and create a tech support case. Watch the Adding a Technical Support Link self-tutorial video or follow the Cengage instructions.
Student Information
Instructors do not need to send an email invitation to their students. Students will be prompted to link their Carmen account to a Cengage account after clicking Cengage materials within Carmen.
Students can view the Cengage student user guides for step-by-step instruction.
This process allows students dual access to Cengage materials from both Carmen and Cengage. It also allows students to make use of the Cengage mobile app.
Technical Support
If added by the Instructor, there will be a course-specific Cengage Technical Support link within the course.
Call: 1-800-354-9706
See phone hours listed on www.cengage.com/support. Note Cengage offers extended and weekend phone support hours during the start of the semester.
24/7 Live Chat Support is also available from Cengage.