Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Understanding Assets and Resources


Accessibility in PebblePad

Prior to developing and sharing content using PebblePad, please carefully read over the Accessibility in PebblePad guide. These guidelines provide strategies for creating accessible content and information on how to get assistance with accessibility concerns. 

Any user with accessibility concerns may contact ePortfolio@osu.edu. Learning Systems Support staff will coordinate with a student's instructors to arrange appropriate accommodations.

Students with existing relationships with Student Life Disability Services can reach out to their Access Specialist for assistance with PebblePad. The Learning Systems Support Team can work with the accessibility specialists to provide additional training and technical support for the tool. 

An important aspect of working with PebblePad is knowing the lingo. Two essential terms to understand are Assets and Resources.

An Asset is anything that you create in Pebble+ or upload to your Asset Store. Assets contain personal content - content that you have added, that is meaningful to you, and that you can go back and edit or delete as required. You own your Assets and have full control over editing and sharing. You decide who sees which of your Assets, for how long, and what they can do with them, except auto-shared assets.

A Resource is guided learning experience designed to elicit learner engagement. Resources in PebblePad are templates (single-page forms) or workbooks (multi-page forms) that provide structure and prompts for you to create meaningful records of learning and experience. There are generic PebblePad templates available for you to use (like Reflection templates, Action Plans, Meeting Records, etc.), but custom templates and workbooks can also be created and shared with students. Resources are typically shared by instructors either through a share URL or directly through the PebblePad Resources Store

A Resource is like an empty form - one that you haven't added any content to yet. When students save their content in a Resource it saves as an Asset in their Asset StoreFor example, instructors may create a template (Resource) to share with students in a course. When each student fills in the template, they will each generate their own Asset that contains their personal information.


For GE Bookend courses and Honors and Scholars, make sure students claim their workbook from their Resource Store. When initially shared, Resources will be found under the student's Resource Store. Once they claim it and begin completing it, they will then find it under their Asset Store.