Teaching and Learning Resource Center


Formidable is a powerful form builder that allows you to create custom forms within a post or page. Once the plugin is activated, you can click the Formidable link on the left navigation.

Here a few quick steps to get you started.

Step 1: Modify Your Homepage Settings

On the Formidable homepage, click Screen Options to choose the number of forms and form details you want to show.

Screen options button on Formidable page of U.OSU

Step 2: Build Your Form

  1. Click Add New from the Formidable main page.
    Formidable menu item in side navigation of U.OSU
  2. Begin to build your form. Formidable gives you many options to choose from. Depending on your purpose, loading a template form might be useful.
    Visit the Formidable website for a description of field types and a comprehensive, instructional guide.
    Build New Form page with title field, add field options, and create button in U.OSU
  3. Click Create when finished to continue to step 3.

Step 3: Create a Post (or Post Type) with the Form

  1. Click Settings.
    Settings button on Formidable Settings page in U.OSU
  2. Click Form Actions.
  3. Select the Create Posts icon.
    Create Post icon under Form Actions of Form Settings
  4. Choose the Post Type (e.g., Post or Page) you would like to create.
    Post Type select box under Create Post of Form Settings
  5. Choose other desired settings.
  6. Click Update.