Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Proctorio Practice Quiz

If you choose to use Proctorio, your students will benefit from context and directions about the tool.

In addition to the language in the syllabus, instructors are encouraged to provide Proctorio setup instructions for students and a practice exam that allows students to experience the tool before it’s used in a high-stakes exam. 

This module template in Canvas Commons includes both of those components, which you can import into your CarmenCanvas course and place appropriately in your Modules. 

Import Template

  1. Create a new forum course at carmen.osu.edu or select an existing course into which you'd like to import this template.

  2. To locate and import the template:

    1. Log in to Carmen.

    2. Enter a Canvas-based course or the Canvas dashboard.

    3. From the global navigation, click the Commons icon. 

      Canvas Commons link from the global navigation


    4. Once you are logged into Commons, follow this link to find Keep Teaching – Proctorio Setup and Practice Quiz

    5. If you have trouble with the link, enter the specific name "Keep Teaching - Proctorio Setup and Practice Quiz"

    6. Select Import/Download

    7. Select the course you wish to import to from the sidebar menu on the right. You can import to multiple courses at once.

    8. Click Import into course at the bottom of this list.

  3. Navigate to your course to confirm the Keep Teaching course template has been imported.

For more guidance on searching and importing from Commons, see How do I import and view a Commons resource in Canvas?

You now have full control to edit and customize the course template to fit your needs.