Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Using the Mediasite Web Editor

Use the Mediasite Web Editor when you wish to make edits to your recording. Using the Web Editor, you can do the following and more:

When you open your presentation in the web editor, it is automatically saved as a project. A project is essentially a separate version of your recording. Multiple projects (versions) can be associated with your presentation. Each change you make to a project is automatically saved and listed in the project's revision history.

Once you are finished editing, you can save your project by committing (i.e. saving) your changes. You can commit your changes to the original presentation (overwriting what you had), to a new presentation, or to another existing presentation.

UX Tip

Note that the Mediasite Web Editor does not allow you to merge various presentations together, edit audio + video separately, add mouse highlights or other details or speed up or slow down playback speed.

See the Getting Started with Mediasite guide for more Mediasite details.

Accessing the Web Editor

  1. Login to MyMediasite Portal.
  2. Choose the presentation you would like to edit. The Summary page opens.
  3. Click Edit Video.
    Edit Video menu link in right side navigation