Teaching and Learning Resource Center

Getting Started with Carmen for Instructors

CarmenCanvas is Ohio State's learning management system. Frequently referred to simply as "Carmen," it is used by instructors, staff, and teaching assistants to create and share curricular materials with students. Carmen is named for the song "Carmen Ohio"—Ohio State's alma mater. 

Before Getting Started

Familiarize yourself with the components that make up CarmenCanvas.

Carmen landing page

The Carmen landing page is where you can find and manage your courses. The landing page is how most students access their courses. Learn more about navigating the Carmen landing page. 


Canvas is the learning management system Ohio State uses to create and deliver course content and assessments. CarmenCanvas is the Ohio State-branded version of Canvas. CarmenCanvas is often shortened to Carmen.   

Canvas mobile apps

Instructure, Canvas’s parent company provides mobile apps for iOS and Android devices. Mobile apps are not intended to provide the full Canvas experience. See Canvas App vs Browser Tips for recommendations on which activities to use in the app versus the browser. 

Review technical requirements.

Review this list of the browser and computer requirements for Carmen. 

We recommend using the most up-to-date version of your preferred web browser. If you experience issues using Carmen, try completing the same task in a different browser before seeking additional support. 

1. Log in to the Carmen landing page.

To get started, log in to the Carmen landing page at carmen.osu.edu. Through the landing page, you can: 

Learn more about navigating the Carmen landing page and your course homepage 

Don't forget! Carmen login requires multifactor authentication. We recommend setting up at least two ways to use BuckeyePass 

If you are unable to access Carmen via the Landing Page, you can access your CarmenCanvas Dashboard via this link 

2. Customize CarmenCanvas.

You can personalize your Carmen experience by updating your user settings, selecting notification preferences, and customizing your course list. 

Update your user settings and add a profile picture.

Carmen profile and user settings let you control your personal information in CarmenCanvas including:  

Select your Notification Preferences.

You can decide how you receive notifications for each type of course activity. You can choose email notifications as well as the frequency for these notifications.

Update your favorite courses.

Update your favorite courses in Carmen so only your current courses appear in your course list on the Canvas dashboard and mobile apps. You can also create nicknames to shorten the course title, which will then appear throughout Canvas. 

3. Generate your Carmen course.

View this video tutorial for an overview of how to create your course in Carmen. Note that instead of “Create course,” you will now see “Generate course".

Carmen course shells are available to be generated for all academic courses listed in the Registrar’s system. To use Carmen, you will need to generate a course and then you can begin building content or copy course content from another course into your current Carmen course. 

UX Tip

Instructors and staff may create a Carmen course for practice or other university purposes 

Add participants.

The People list in CarmenCanvas is updated nightly with enrollment information from the Registrar's system. This update includes instructors and other instructional staff listed in the system and all students currently enrolled in the course.  

Anyone that needs access to the course who is not in the Registrar's system can be manually enrolled by the instructor using the Manage Participants tool that can be accessed through the Carmen landing page or directly through Aegis. 

 4. Build your course content.

CarmenCanvas allows you to customize your course by organizing Pages, Files, and links to external content and putting them in Modules to help students navigate their course materials. Below are recommendations for building courses forum courses and following best practices for organizing your content in Carmen.  

Using forum courses

You can use a forum (our name for courses not linked to the Registrar’s system) to experiment with Canvas tools or with alternative ways to set up your course. You may also find it useful to create a forum course for course content development.  

This can be for a course you will be teaching in a future semester, or it can be a template that you copy from each time you teach the course. When you are ready to teach with that material, you can copy it into the academic course 

See Forum Courses for more information. 

Carmen Key Four

It is important for instructors to create consistency for their students. Using a few key features in Carmen will remove unnecessary barriers to learning and can reduce stress for both students and instructors. 

For more information on building course content see Setting Up Course Content and Carmen Common Sense: Best Practices 

5. Publish your course.

Once you are ready for your students to view and interact in your course, you must first publish your course. Your course must also be published if you would like to message the class using the Canvas Inbox. 

Help with Carmen

Contact the Learning Systems Support team for additional support with Carmen questions or issues.  

For general technical assistance, including email or password issues please contact the IT Service Desk. 

You can contact the IT Service Desk 24/7 via phone, email and online Self Service. 

  • Phone: 614-688-4357 (Newark campus students: please call 740-366-9244)